Saturday, December 5, 2020

Dinner from Arlington Pizza in North Arlington, NJ

 I was apprehensive at first about the food scene once we moved, but honestly living where we are now, we have everything we had before, and then some.  I didn't realize how many smaller towns had excellent food.  And with Uber Eats and GrubHub and Doordash, we have access to so many more restaurants than we did before, and they come as fast if not faster than in JC.  We stopped by here to get pizza, and 100% better than any pizza in JC (excluding Razza since I'm referring to regular, NY style pizza).  We soon learned that we have even better pizza closer, but this was quality pizza, and cheap!

Giant pizza - half cheese, half shrooms

An insane amount of mushrooms.  Have they heard of spacing?  Not complaining it's just hilarious how much we got on there

Excellent plain cheese slice.  That's how you judge a place

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